Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fall Break.

Fall is in the air and it is time to go see my beloved grandmother! I cannot wait for a nice long chat, fresh homemade popcorn and playing card games! I love my grandparents oodles and oodles. I would not be who I am without them today. I cannot wait to see them! Saturday is also the wedding that I will be getting help from Benny Lapid with! So stoked. This break is going to be awesome. 

Not only that, but my last day as a telemarketer was TODAY! Hooray! Plus, I talked to the coolest dude before I left too. He was a band director that travels all over the country. He was super awesome and I will post a link about his music as soon as I find the paper that has that on there haha! 

Also, I recently got hired as a waitress at a pizza joint. Hopefully I can make up the 4.50/hr pay with those tippy tips. Anywho, I am really excited that the old job is gone and new job is to come. The new manager even gave me my starting day off because I didn't realize break went until tuesday, so now I don't work for another week! How relaxing! 

Sadly, a lot of this break will be prepping for a speech, studying for midterms, and getting ready for break to be over but that's okay. I will be able to be with my lovely grandparents for awhile and then hangout with my awesome family and boyfriend before heading back to school.

I love this gramma! <3

That is all.

Have a great weekend even if you don't have a fall break. 
Because tomorrow is FRIDAY.
and FRIDAY is awesome.

Megan Rose

Monday, October 7, 2013


How beautiful is this picture?! 

It was taken above the camels, so what you really see is the shadows. It is an awesome photo.
This is one of the reasons I want to do animal cinematography! Looking at these amazing creatures in different ways and perspectives. 

Luckily, there are two recent photographers that have offered to help me! Benny, is sadly leaving for hometown in Israel, but has one last wedding in Effingham this saturday! He invited me to come and learn all kinds of stuff before he leaves. He even offered to set me up with someone to intern with this next summer! How awesome is he? I cannot wait to see what he can teach me!

Also, turns out my academic advisor at school has a wife who does photography. He gave me her number a few days ago and she has offered to help me and take me under her wing. 

I am so blessed right now, with all that is going on in my life, I have these awesome people I have never even met to show me these awesome new techniques! They are legit pros, and here they are, stretching out welcome arms to a newbie like me! I hope that I can soak it in like a sponge! 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sunday Mornin'

I have just finished adding photos from 2 different shoots on friday to facebook and the blog. You can check them out here: 

Friday was an absolute blast because I got to photograph a girl who is beautiful inside and out. Then I got to photograph a fabulous friend with her two adorable sisters. I have never ever done group photos before, let alone sisters ones! But they actually turned out a lot better than I thought! They brought hula hoops which ended up making really cute ideas that the sisters came up with! I love that these girls came up with awesome ideas and we just tried anything. I think as a photographer I will build so much from being able to work with all kinds of people and gaining a lot of ideas from others, just from a simple hour shoot like that! 

Anywho, I am dog tired. I had like four hours of sleep, 5 tops that I have been running on all day! Time for sleepies. Please do give any feedback! Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.

Megan Rose

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Rainy Days and Late Night Starbucks.

As the title suggests, it stormed on and off today. My sad little Toms got soaked, and will probably be soaked for a week... Sad. But oh well, the rain was nice and I am sure the plants and crops enjoyed it thoroughly. After the night working, I was craving a chai latte, alas left my monies at the dorm. So after coming back to get my money, a friend, Amanda and I ran to Starbucks right befire they closed for some late night latte noms. I got my lovely hot chai for my sore throat from runnning around in the rain all day, and she got a mocha frappe. Great way to end this Thursday if I don't say so myself. Hope you all had a lovely day as well! Tomorrow I have two photo shoots! Whoo! 

If anyone knows really awesome places in Kankakee area to take photos, or even Chambana in Illinois, please let me know! I love to find new areas to just have fun with!

Have a great Friday tomorrow!

Megan Rose

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I need new snacks... Current snacks right now are a handy side of goldfish and juice. The juice is relatively healthy though! It's the kind that is frozen concentrate and you add water, however, this is a veggie and fruit mix! Which means it is healthier, by at least a touch. The goldfish, sadly, I cannot say they are anything but tasty. I have some cheddar rice cakes too! Those are delicious. Few calories. And easy peasy to eat on the go, alas, crunchy crumbs run everywhere. Floor, and especially clothes. Not a good touch to the outfit for the day when white cheese dust covers you.

Anywho, point of this post was to ask anyone what their favorite (college easy) snacks were! I do have access to an oven, but I don't have any flour, sugar, ect. for like cookies, breads, or anything too fancy. But let me know if there are any good healthy snacks that are good to make on the run and when you don't have a lot of ingredients! I love a lot of food, even some veggies, 
so really, any ideas would be awesome! 
Thanks much!

Happy Wednesday Evening! 

Megan Rose

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Imitation Crab.

I love this stuff, I have been eating it with some wheat saltines and colby jack cheese sticks. But when I mentioned it to my friends, they had not ever heard of it, and we all wondered what it was made from!

So, for some food for thought: 

Crab sticks (imitation crab meat, seafood sticks, krab) are a form of kamaboko, a processed seafood made of finely pulverized white fish flesh (surimi), shaped and cured to resemble leg meat of snow crab or Japanese spider crab.[1]
Crab flakes use the same mixture to form flakes instead of sticks to resemble crab meat or lobster meat.

Thank you Wikipedia...Nommy Nommy fish flesh... Oh well, we all knew it came from the sea originally right? So I guess I will keep enjoying this delicious snack. Mostly because it tastes like crab, and hey, when it's cheaper than real crab, why not save the cute little crab and let him swim around a few more days? 

Anywho, the more you know! Enjoy your new fact of what imitation crab is actually from.